Syrian crisis debated at Basel Peace Forum

Syrian crisis debated at Basel Peace Forum
Credit: Basel Peace Forum

On January 13-15, 2019, the Basel Peace Forum gathered experts, policymakers, and civil society actors in Basel, Switzerland, to discuss innovations in peacebuilding and humanitarian efforts. Mutasem Al-Syoufi, Executive Director of TDA, joined the conference and participated in the side event “Syrian civil society discussion meetings” at the invitation of the Swiss Foreign Ministry and Swiss Peace Foundation.


In the side event, 15 Syrian civil society actors discussed the needs and challenges facing Syrian civil society, focusing on the prospects of civil society in all Syrian governorates, as among Syrian immigrant circles.


Participants discussed the possibilities for Syrian civil society to play a role in pushing forward the political processes and to build peace in Syria. Experts from the Middle East and Latin America also gave presentations about civil society experiences in peacebuilding processes.


During the meeting, Mr. Al-Syoufi highlighted three main messages;

  • To achieve impact on the political process, civil society approaches must be based on the International Human Rights System, justice, accountability and democracy.
  • Syrian Civil Society should adopt comprehensive national speech, that can go beyond the split among Syrians. A speech that believes in equal rights and duties for all Syrian citizens, and work to alleviate their suffering.
  • Not to fall into the trap of political bargains offering fake short-term wins over the expenses of core issues.


The Basel Peace Forum in this fourth cycle gathered a number of experts, policy makers, leaders in business, civil society representatives and academics, aiming to exchange experiences and ideas that positively affect the political process and peace in Syria.