The Day After's Participation in the program “Damascus Forum” on Syrian TV

The Day After’s Participation in the program “Damascus Forum” on Syrian TV

The Day After Organization participated in a discussion on the program “Damascus Forum” on Syrian TV, addressing the phenomenon of informal settlements, their causes, and the Syrian regime’s handling of them. During the discussion, the role of the legislative framework in the spread of informal housing was highlighted, noting how legislation has contributed to the increase in informal settlements rather than reducing them. Post-2011, the laws have bolstered the military machine’s efforts by implementing property laws aimed at preventing displaced people from returning.

The discussion also referenced a study released by The Day After Foundation titled “The Tripartite of Siege, Displacement, and Destruction and Property and Housing Rights Violations in Syria,” which confirmed the existence of recurring patterns of violations in the seven areas covered by the study. In addition to destruction, displacement, looting, and preventing return, urban planning schemes have been used as a tool for revenge against opponents, stripping them of property and housing rights.

Full interview link: العشوائيات.. أزمة الحياة و وقود الثورة | منتدى دمشق – YouTube