The Israeli Army Violates the Decisions of the International Court of Justice less than 48 Hours After their Issuance

The Israeli Army Violates the Decisions of the International Court of Justice less than 48 Hours After their Issuance

بإمكانكم قراءة البيان باللغة العربية عبر الرابط

The Israeli Army Violates the Decisions of the International Court of Justice less than 48 Hours After their Issuance

The undersigned organizations condemn in the strongest terms the Israeli crimes, amounting to genocide, according to the case filed by South Africa before the International Court of Justice, and which committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip. The latest of these crimes was the Israeli airstrike targeting the displaced civilian camp in the Tal al-Sultan area in Rafah, southern Gaza, which resulted in the burning to death of 45 people and the injury of about 250 others. This genocide and severe violations of international law by the Israeli army impose on us a moral and humanitarian duty to stand by the Palestinians and support their just cause.

Gaza has been effectively under siege since 2007 with humanitarian access severely restricted and people’s mobility almost impossible. Gaza has also suffered from several periods of escalation in 2009, in 2014, and in 2018/2019. The violence by the Israeli army did not, therefore, begin on October 7, 2023. The people of Gaza have long suffered from deteriorating humanitarian conditions due to ongoing attacks and military operations deliberately targeting civilians and infrastructure, causing significant loss of life and property, and exacerbating the suffering of the besieged population. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, since the war on Gaza began on October 7, 2023, more than 36,000 people have been killed and 81,000 injured, with about 2 million people living under siege.

Despite the International Court of Justice’s order to halt military operations in Rafah, issued on May 24, 2024—just three days before the strike—and the condemnation issued by the High Commissioner for Human Rights on Monday, hours after the strike, the Israeli army continues to execute its plans for genocide against the Palestinians, disregarding all rulings and standards.

Despite the clear and ongoing violations, the international community has not taken effective steps to stop these crimes and hold those responsible accountable. United Nations resolutions and international condemnations have not brought about tangible changes on the ground, encouraging continued violations without deterrence. The absence of accountability implicitly encourages further crimes and undermines efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace in the region.

Therefore, we urge the Security Council and its member states, particularly the United States, which obstructs the council’s decisions, to take immediate and serious action to impose a ceasefire, halt these violations and protect civilians in Rafah and the entire Gaza Strip and the West Bank. We emphasize the need to activate international accountability mechanisms against war criminals and ensure they do not escape justice. We also call for the dispatch of independent investigative missions to monitor the situation, document crimes, and gather necessary evidence to hold those responsible accountable. We urge the international community, including governments and non-governmental organizations, to intensify relief efforts and provide the necessary support.

The Syrian people deeply feel the suffering of the Palestinian people, especially since the conflict in Syria has been going on for more than 13 years, leaving behind a similar humanitarian tragedy in terms of destruction and suffering.

Our solidarity with the Palestinian people is not a transient stance but a permanent moral and humanitarian commitment. We stand with them and all Palestinians in their legitimate struggle for self-determination, their right to end the occupation, and establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. The international community must assume its responsibilities and take effective steps to stop these crimes and ensure lasting justice and peace for the Palestinian people.


Access Center for Human Rights (ACHR)

Administrative Development Center

Alliance of Syrian non-profit organizations

Alsharq News

Amal Healing and Advocacy Center

Big Heart Foundation

Charitable Care Organization for Humanitarian Work

Child Guardians

damma hug Organization

Deirna Organization



Fate gathering



Free Bar Association in Daraa

Freedom Jasmine

Horrya Press

Human rights protectors

Hurras Network

Judy Organization for Relief and Development (JORD)

Karim Home

Kesh malek


Lawyers and Doctors for Human Rights

Mahabad Organization for Human Rights (MOHR)

Mazaya Women’s Organization

Missing Persons Families Group (MPFG)

Noura organization to combat violence against women and girls

Peace, Justice and Documentation Organization APJD


Raafah Society for Humanitarian Relief

Raqqa Governorate Council and the Free Lawyers of Raqqa Branch

Release me

Shafak Organization

Sham humanity

Social Development International – SDI

Stabilization Support Unit


SYE Initiative

Syria Relief

Syrian Authority

Syrian British Consortium

Syrian Center for Community Development

Syrian Community – Romania

Syrian Network in Denmark

Syrian NGO Alliance- SNA

TASTAKEL women’s organization

The Day After

The Syrian legal Development programme

Together for Al-Jarnia organization

Union of Free Syrian Students

URB Syria

Violet Organization

We Dared to Dream “Action for Sama”

Women Human Rights Defenders in Southwest Asia and North Africa Regional Alliance (WHRDMENA)

Local Development and Small Projects Support Organization (LDSPS)

Sawa for Development and Aid