Gender-Sensitive Transitional Justice in Syria

Gender-Sensitive Transitional Justice in Syria


Publication date: September 2019

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This report uses gender analysis as a tool to understand the impact of conflict, crime, and human rights violations on women and girls in Syria, in order to support the efforts to build transitional gender-sensitive justice in a future Syria. In particular, the report 1) highlights the challenges faced by civil organizations working on transitional justice in Syria regarding gender-sensitivity; 2) exposes the extent of violations and crimes against women, as well as gender gaps in the reporting of human rights organizations; and determines the definition of gender-sensitive transitional justice and how to build a comprehensive integrated approach to gender-sensitive transitional justice that women can fully participate in. Finally, the report provides conclusions and recommendations to organizations working on transitional justice to redress gaps and make them gender sensitive, as well as to empower women’s organizations and women’s rights advocacy organizations.